The Commercial Driver's License (CDL) program at Susquehanna Country Career & Technology Center allows students to learn in the classroom, on a driving simulator, and on the road. The program is designed to get students certified quickly so they can begin their new careers immediately. Daytime sessions last about seven weeks.
Commercially licensed drivers are needed to fill jobs across the country and in northeastern Pennsylvania. To fill that need, the SCCTC Center started its first day and night class two weeks ago. Read more >>
This new program has been four years in the making. After securing approvals from PennDOT, and receiving donations from the community, the career and tech center will now offer commercial driver's license training. Read more >>
Industry partners in the Marcellus shale region will soon start to reap the benefits of their investment in a new CDL training program at the Susquehanna County Career & Technology Center. Read more >>
During a visit to Susquehanna County on Friday, Keller toured the CDL facilities and heard about the SCCTC’s partnerships that made the program possible. Employers in need of commercial drivers had been asking the CTC to consider starting a training program. Read more >>
With demand constantly on the rise for those qualified to drive commercial vehicles and heavy equipment, Elk Lake School District/SCCTC superintendent Dr. Ken Cuomo was happy to announce on July 18 that the SCCTC would be offering an extensive CDL training program. Read more >>
A press conference on July 18 coordinated for the announcement of a new CDL training program at the SCCTC was interrupted briefly by the sound of two large modular units being parked just below the assembled crowd. Read more >>
Elk Lake/SCCTC Superintendent Dr. Ken Cuomo describes the addition of a CDL training program to its offerings as a “win-win-win” situation that will have a positive impact on students, the community and local businesses. Read more >>